What color mix makes blue?
Category: Design
2 years ago   850 views
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What color mix makes blue
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Mixing colors together can create new colors. You can mix two colors to create the color blue, such as purple and yellow.

What color mix gives blue?

The correct answer is, the color spectrum has three primary colors: red, yellow, and blue. These colors cannot be created by mixing other colors together; they are the only colors that exist in their own right. The secondary colors are purple, green, and orange. These are created by mixing two primary colors together; for example, blue and red make purple, yellow and blue make green, and so on. tertiary colors are created by either mixing two secondary colors or by mixing a secondary color with a primary color; for example, orange and yellow make orangey-red, or green and blue make navy blue.

Most people can see all the different hues of color around them because we have three types of cone cells in our eyes that respond to the three primary colors. Red cones detect long wavelengths of light, such as reds and oranges; green cones detect medium wavelengths of light, such as greens and yellows; and blue cones detect short wavelengths of light, such as blues and purples.

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