How App Developers should use Social Media to promote their Apps?

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How App Developers should use Social Media to promote their Apps?

A number of studies suggest a consistent increase in the number of people accessing social networks regularly as well as the amount of time people spend on social media daily. With an average user spending about two hours on social media each day, you cannot popular your mobile app without promoting it aggressively on popular social networking platforms. Most social networking platforms allow mobile app makers to connect with audience and promote their mobile apps in two distinct ways – organic marketing and paid advertising

You can opt for organic marketing options – Facebook page, Instagram profile and Twitter handle – connect with the target audience and share information about the app without spending money. On the other hand, the paid advertisement options – Facebook ads and Pinterest ads – provided by popular social networks will help you to connect with more relevant users and enhance app discoverability through ad click-through rates. However, the social media promotion strategy for the mobile app must focus on a number of factors to boost app downloads within a short amount of time.

Tips to Use Social Media Effectively to Increase App Downloads

Promote the App on Multiple Social Media Time

Nowadays, an average user spends over two hours on social media each day. But the choice of social network differs from one user to another. For instance, Facebook is currently more popular than other social media sites. But the users who prefer photos and visuals spend more time on Instagram or Pinterest than Facebook. Hence, you cannot boost app downloads by promoting it only on popular social media sites. Your social media promotion plan must identify the relevant social media sites and understand their capabilities based on the mobile app’s nature, usage, and target audience.

Post Valuable and Engaging Content

The social media sites allow you to promote the mobile app through a variety of content – information, photos, videos, jokes and contests. You can leverage these options to make the potential users aware about the mobile app and engage the existing users. It is always important to leverage the content sharing options provided by various social media sites to highlight various aspects the mobile app. But you cannot keep the user interested and engaged simply by sharing information about the mobile app. You have to complement the textual content with appealing images and video, while organizing contests and posting jokes occasionally.

Connect and Interact with the Users Regularly

You cannot boost app downloads without communicating with social media users in a human and personal tone. You can easily accelerate mobile app promotion by encouraging users to share their feedback and experience. But it is also important to respond to the comments and suggestions posted by users on various social media sites proactively. You can even bond with both existing and potential users by conveying your passion for the mobile app as a developer. The constant interaction and personal tone will help you to boost app downloads by leveraging the massive popularity of social media platforms.

Automate Common Social Media Promotion Tasks

If you are not a digital marketing professional, there are always chances that you may lack the time and skills required to promote the mobile app aggressively on multiple social networks. For instance, your core business activities will not allow you to post content on targeted social media sites regularly and interact with the target audience proactively. Hence, you must automate common social media marketing tasks and activities to increase app downloads without diverting attention from your core business process. You must take advantage of the robust social media marketing tools to post content in advance and schedule social media posts.

Consider Implementing a Reward Program

In addition to connecting and interacting with social media users regularly, you must consider implementing a reward program. The reward program will help you to stay connected with existing users and reach out to more potential users. The increase in user base will further contribute towards increasing app downloads. You can attract new users by distributing digital rewards and virtual currencies as reward. It is also a great idea to increase audience base by organizing weekly contents and events.

Create an Appealing Trailer for the App

Several studies suggest that videos receive a much higher organic reach than textual content and photos on social media platforms. You can easily attract and impress potential users by creating an appealing and engaging trailer for the mobile app. The trailer will make potential users aware about the mobile app in a quick and engaging way. You can even allow users to down the mobile app directly by including a call to action in the video description. The same trailer can be shared across multiple social media site and used for varying digital marketing campaigns.

Invest in Paid Social Media Marketing

You can easily save money by opting for organic social media marketing. But you have to put extra time and effort to boost app downloads through organic marketing. In addition to implementing a robust organic marketing strategy, you also need to monitor the campaign results consistently. The paid advertisement options provided by popular social media sites make it easier for you reach out to more relevant users and increase app downloads. You even have option to promote the mobile app by investing in paid advertisement option provided by relevant social media sites.

Avail Assistance of Influencers

You can make the mobile app popular in a short amount of time by availing assistance of influencers – people with large and active social media following across social networks. The influencers can easily make your app popular by sharing information with their followers. But most influencers expect monetary compensation to promote mobile apps. Also, some influencer many ask you to promote their mobile apps to your social media followers. You still need to opt for an influencer who has already contributed towards boosting download of similar apps.

However, mobile app developers cannot boost app downloads by focusing exclusively on social media marketing. In addition to promoting the mobile app aggressively on popular social networking platforms, you also need to focus on app store optimization, email marketing, content marketing, and influencer marketing. These marketing channels will complement your social media marketing strategy and increase app downloads in a short amount of time.

mobile app developersSocial Media Promotion

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