Content distribution is a crucial aspect of any digital marketing strategy. It is the process of promoting your content to reach a larger audience and increase your conversion rates. There are many tools available to help you with content distribution, but which ones are the best? In this blog, we will explore the best tools for content distribution and growing conversion rates.

Push Notification Tools:

Push notifications are messages that pop up on a user’s device, whether it’s a desktop or mobile device. Push notification tools provide a way to send notifications to users who opt-in to receive them. PMSLTECH’s push notification tool is a great choice for content distribution because it allows you to send notifications to users even when they are not actively engaging with your website. With PMSLTECH’s push notification tool, you can segment your audience and send targeted notifications based on their behavior on your website.

Web Push Tool:

Web push is a type of push notification that works on desktop and mobile browsers. It allows you to send notifications to users even when they are not on your website. PMSLTECH’s web push tool is a great way to increase your conversion rates because it allows you to send notifications to users who have abandoned their cart or have not completed a purchase. You can also use PMSLTECH’s web push tool to send notifications to users who have not visited your website in a while, encouraging them to come back and engage with your content.

Web Browser Notification Tool:

Web browser notifications are similar to push notifications, but they only work on desktop browsers. PMSLTECH’s web browser notification tool is a great way to increase your conversion rates because it allows you to send notifications to users who are actively engaging with your website. You can use PMSLTECH’s web browser notification tool to send notifications about new content, promotions, or limited time offers.


Content distribution is a critical aspect of any digital marketing strategy. Push notification tools, web push tools, and web browser notification tools are all excellent options for content distribution and increasing your conversion rates. PMSLTECH’s push notification, web push, and web browser notification tools are excellent options because they allow you to segment your audience and send targeted notifications based on their behavior on your website. With these tools, you can increase engagement, conversions, and ultimately, revenue.

In 2016, massive denial-of-service attacks made a number of high-traffic websites – Twitter, PayPal and Netflix – unreachable for several hours. Likewise, large tech companies like Uber and Yahoo came under a lot of fire in 2017 by revealing their efforts to cover massive security breaches. The evolving nature of cyber crimes makes each website and web application vulnerable to targeted malware and ransomware attacks.

You have to focus extensively on the security of your website during the development, testing, and deployment process to prevent targeted malware and ransomware attacks. It is also important to implement a robust web application security strategy and monitor the security of your web application consistently. You can always consider implementing a number of web application security best practices to protect business data and prevent new cyber attacks.

7 Best Practices to Protect Your Website from Malware and Ransomware Attacks

1) Identify Vulnerabilities in Each Web Application

You cannot prevent emerging security attacks without implementing a strong security program. The security program must consider the number of web applications, current and future use of each web application, and when the application was last updated to get the vulnerabilities identified and fixed quickly. However, there are always chances that your enterprise may lack the skills and resources required to test and update a number of web applications simultaneously. Hence, the security program must sort the web applications in a number of priority buckets – critical, serious, normal, and idle.

The applications dealing with sensitive customer data and facilitating financial transactions must be considered as critical web applications and the vulnerabilities found in these apps must be fixed immediately. Likewise, the vulnerabilities found in serious internal and external web applications also need to fixed to keep the customer and corporate data secure. On the other hand, the vulnerabilities found in normal web applications can be identified and fixed later. However, it is also important include the web applications which are no longer necessary or about to retire in the idle bucket.

2) Prioritize Vulnerabilities Found in Each App

After putting all your web applications in appropriate buckets, you have to perform elaborate security and penetration testing to identify vulnerabilities in each application. However, you will find it difficult to fix the vulnerabilities found in each web application immediately. Hence, it becomes essential to divide the vulnerabilities found in each application into various categories – critical, high priority and low priority – based on business impact and risk. The critical and high priority vulnerabilities must be fixed at once to protect the web applications from targeted malware and ransomware attacks. At the same, the low priority vulnerabilities also need to be fixed during subsequent iterations.

3) Deploy Robust Web Application Protection

You can always accelerate web application security testing by using robust security and penetration testing tools. But the programmers will still need some time to fix the vulnerabilities found during web application testing. You must deploy a robust protection mechanism to prevent targeted malware and ransomware attacks till the critical vulnerabilities are fixed. You can easily block malicious visitors and cyber criminals by routing the website traffic through a strong Web Application Firewall (WAF). Some WAF providers even allow users to prevent security attacks by implementing custom security rules. At the same time, you must restrict the app functionality to prevent cyber criminals from exploiting the vulnerabilities. It is always important to restrict app functionality by imposing restrictions like session timeout and limited access to user database.

4) Set up and Use Secure Cookies

Many cyber criminals execute malware and ransomware attacks by exploiting cookie vulnerabilities. You can easily enhance web application security by blocking unauthorized access to cookies. Also, you must avoid using cookies to store sensitive customer data and financial information. It is also important to store the information in cookies in an encrypted format. Often cookie vulnerabilities increase when the cookies do not expire in a short amount of time. You must configure the cookies securely with a reasonable expiry date. You can even prevent cookie-theft attacks by making the cookies available only to the web server and inaccessible to client-side code.

5) Improve Connection Security

You need to ensure that the users access your web application only through secured internet connections to prevent targeted security attacks. You can improve connection security by activating HTTPS protocol. Unlike HTTP, HTTPS establishes secure connection between the browsers and web server. Likewise, you can prevent cyber criminals from tapping and recording interaction between the web application and web server by using robust communication protocols like SSH or TSL. At the same time, you need to implement an elaborate content security policy to make sensitive corporate and customer data accessible only to legitimate and authorized users.

6) Keep the Web Server Impregnable

Your web application security program must explore ways to host the web applications in a secure server environment. It is always advisable to host the web applications on a dedicated web server. Also, you must update the server to the latest version of the operating system to take advantage of security patches. You also need to ensure that the server is accessed only by authorized users by using ssh key. At the same time, you must install advanced firewalls to make the web applications interact with the web server only through secured ports. However, it is also important to use robust tools to monitor unauthorized login attempts and similar suspicious activities on a regular basis.

7) Monitor and Assess Web Application Security Consistently

While making the web application security program, you must focus on both existing and emerging security threats. With cyber criminals writing new malware regularly, you need to monitor the security of your web applications consistently to identify the vulnerabilities immediately and protect both corporate and customer data. You can easily monitor the security of your web applications by investing in a robust website security monitoring tool or service. There are certain website monitoring tools that scan web applications and their resources regularly to identify vulnerabilities.  Also, they convey detailed information about the vulnerabilities and malware found in a web application by generating elaborate reports. The website monitoring tools and services will help you to fix the vulnerabilities in a web application before the cyber criminals exploit them.

The evolving nature of cyber crimes makes it essential for you to monitor and evaluate the security of web application consistently. Your web application security strategy must be flexible enough to adopt new security mechanisms and latest cyber security protocols. Also, you need to explore ways to eliminate impact of targeted malware and ransomware attacks by implementing new web application security best practices.

With consumers spending more and more digital media time on mobile apps, it becomes essential for websites to deliver optimal user experience.  The trends in website and web application development keep changing from time to time. Your business website must meet the latest trends and customer expectations to accomplish higher conversion rate and drive online sales. The website also needs to deliver optimal user experience across various devices – computers, smartphones and tablets – to keep visitors engaged and convert them into customers. You must consider redesigning the website to make it user-friendly and deliver user experience across varying devices. Also, website redesign will help your business to acquire new customers and drive sales.

7 Reasons Why You Must Redesign Your Business Website without Any Delay

1) Customers spend more digital media time on apps

A large percentage of web traffic nowadays comes from mobile devices. Most customers nowadays access websites and web stores on their smartphones and tablets. But they spend most of their digital media time on mobile apps. Hence, it becomes essential for you to make the website deliver richer user experience across computers and mobile devices. Your website redesign strategy can focus on responsive web design to make the website accessible and look good on varying devices with a single code base. Also, you can test the redesigned websites across browsers, devices, platforms, and networks to determine the measures required for improving its user experience and engagement.

2) Customers abandon slow websites

While ranking websites, Google uses loading speed as a key search engine. Also, most visitors nowadays abandon websites that take more than three seconds to load. Hence, the loading speed of your business website will impact its user experience as well as search engine ranking. You can opt for website redesign to make the website load faster and prevent user abandonment. While redesigning the website, developers will increase its loading speed by implementing caching, optimizing images, compressing website resources, reducing number of server requests, and using content delivery networks (CDNs). Also, they will use a number of tools to measure the website’s loading speed across devices.

3) The website needs latest tools, plugins and APIs

Often developers use web frameworks to simplify and accelerate custom website development. Also, they use various plugins and application programming interfaces (APIs) to enhance the website’s functionality, performance, and interoperability. But tech companies and communities keep upgrading these plug-ins and APIs regularly. Likewise, certain open source plugins and extensions become obsolete due to lack of constant support. Hence, your website must use the most recent version of third-party tools and get rid of the obsolete tools to remain functional and deliver richer user experience. While redesigning the business website, developers will upgrade the third-party tools and replace the obsolete tools.

4) Persuade customers to share the website on social networks

Many enterprises nowadays measure the popularity of their websites based on social media share. Several businesses even launch digital marketing campaign to persuade users to share website content and links on popular social networking platforms. When you decide to website redesign, it becomes easier to make the website content and links more appealing.  Also, you can accentuate the social media shares by including presentable titles, descriptions, and thumbnails in each web page. The social media share will further help you to divert more visitors to the website and increase conversion rate.

5) Add new functionality to the existing website

The website redesign strategy gives you adequate scope to add new features and functionality to the website. You can even consider customizing the website redesign strategy according to your present and future business requirements. For instance, you can convert your existing website or blog into a web store by incorporating eCommerce functionalities at the time of redesigning. Likewise, you can add a blog to the existing website to provide fresh content and updated information to customers. Hence, you can consider redesigning the website to keep it up-to-date and meet your long-term business needs.

6) Simplify website content publication and promotion

The quality of website content impacts its user experience and search engine ranking. You can update the website content regularly to divert search engine traffic and engage the visitors. The content management systems (CMS) make it easier for entrepreneurs to create, publish, and promote website content without putting extra time and effort. You can take advantage of a robust CMS to implement a robust content marketing plan and overcome impact of frequent search engine algorithm updates. While redesigning your business website, the web application developers can integrate a CMS into it to facilitate content creation and distribution by targeting customers and search engines.

7) Reduce bounce rate and increase conversion rate

The web analytics tools and services make it easier for business owners to collect, measure, and analyze website data. You can use web analytics to monitor the behaviour, preferences, and interests of visitors. Also, web analytics will help your to measure bounce rates and conversion rates. But you need to explore ways to reduce bounce rate and increase conversion rate to generate more sales revenue. While redesigning the website, you can easily reduce bounce rate by improving the website’s layout, navigation, content, and performance. Likewise, you can prevent user abandonment and improve conversion rate by making the website accessible on varying device and load faster.

On the whole, website redesign will help your to keep the website relevant and up-to-date. While redesigning the website, you can add new functionalities to improve customer experience and meet long-term business requirements. Also, the redesigned website will help you to keep the visitors engaged and convert them into customers. Hence, you can always invest in website redesign to get higher returns over a longer period of time.

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