A number of studies suggest a consistent increase in the number of people accessing social networks regularly as well as the amount of time people spend on social media daily. With an average user spending about two hours on social media each day, you cannot popular your mobile app without promoting it aggressively on popular social networking platforms. Most social networking platforms allow mobile app makers to connect with audience and promote their mobile apps in two distinct ways – organic marketing and paid advertising

You can opt for organic marketing options – Facebook page, Instagram profile and Twitter handle – connect with the target audience and share information about the app without spending money. On the other hand, the paid advertisement options – Facebook ads and Pinterest ads – provided by popular social networks will help you to connect with more relevant users and enhance app discoverability through ad click-through rates. However, the social media promotion strategy for the mobile app must focus on a number of factors to boost app downloads within a short amount of time.

Tips to Use Social Media Effectively to Increase App Downloads

Promote the App on Multiple Social Media Time

Nowadays, an average user spends over two hours on social media each day. But the choice of social network differs from one user to another. For instance, Facebook is currently more popular than other social media sites. But the users who prefer photos and visuals spend more time on Instagram or Pinterest than Facebook. Hence, you cannot boost app downloads by promoting it only on popular social media sites. Your social media promotion plan must identify the relevant social media sites and understand their capabilities based on the mobile app’s nature, usage, and target audience.

Post Valuable and Engaging Content

The social media sites allow you to promote the mobile app through a variety of content – information, photos, videos, jokes and contests. You can leverage these options to make the potential users aware about the mobile app and engage the existing users. It is always important to leverage the content sharing options provided by various social media sites to highlight various aspects the mobile app. But you cannot keep the user interested and engaged simply by sharing information about the mobile app. You have to complement the textual content with appealing images and video, while organizing contests and posting jokes occasionally.

Connect and Interact with the Users Regularly

You cannot boost app downloads without communicating with social media users in a human and personal tone. You can easily accelerate mobile app promotion by encouraging users to share their feedback and experience. But it is also important to respond to the comments and suggestions posted by users on various social media sites proactively. You can even bond with both existing and potential users by conveying your passion for the mobile app as a developer. The constant interaction and personal tone will help you to boost app downloads by leveraging the massive popularity of social media platforms.

Automate Common Social Media Promotion Tasks

If you are not a digital marketing professional, there are always chances that you may lack the time and skills required to promote the mobile app aggressively on multiple social networks. For instance, your core business activities will not allow you to post content on targeted social media sites regularly and interact with the target audience proactively. Hence, you must automate common social media marketing tasks and activities to increase app downloads without diverting attention from your core business process. You must take advantage of the robust social media marketing tools to post content in advance and schedule social media posts.

Consider Implementing a Reward Program

In addition to connecting and interacting with social media users regularly, you must consider implementing a reward program. The reward program will help you to stay connected with existing users and reach out to more potential users. The increase in user base will further contribute towards increasing app downloads. You can attract new users by distributing digital rewards and virtual currencies as reward. It is also a great idea to increase audience base by organizing weekly contents and events.

Create an Appealing Trailer for the App

Several studies suggest that videos receive a much higher organic reach than textual content and photos on social media platforms. You can easily attract and impress potential users by creating an appealing and engaging trailer for the mobile app. The trailer will make potential users aware about the mobile app in a quick and engaging way. You can even allow users to down the mobile app directly by including a call to action in the video description. The same trailer can be shared across multiple social media site and used for varying digital marketing campaigns.

Invest in Paid Social Media Marketing

You can easily save money by opting for organic social media marketing. But you have to put extra time and effort to boost app downloads through organic marketing. In addition to implementing a robust organic marketing strategy, you also need to monitor the campaign results consistently. The paid advertisement options provided by popular social media sites make it easier for you reach out to more relevant users and increase app downloads. You even have option to promote the mobile app by investing in paid advertisement option provided by relevant social media sites.

Avail Assistance of Influencers

You can make the mobile app popular in a short amount of time by availing assistance of influencers – people with large and active social media following across social networks. The influencers can easily make your app popular by sharing information with their followers. But most influencers expect monetary compensation to promote mobile apps. Also, some influencer many ask you to promote their mobile apps to your social media followers. You still need to opt for an influencer who has already contributed towards boosting download of similar apps.

However, mobile app developers cannot boost app downloads by focusing exclusively on social media marketing. In addition to promoting the mobile app aggressively on popular social networking platforms, you also need to focus on app store optimization, email marketing, content marketing, and influencer marketing. These marketing channels will complement your social media marketing strategy and increase app downloads in a short amount of time.

Recently, Apple released Swift 4 with several new features and enhancements. Despite being compatible with Swift 3, Swift 4 comes with several new and improved APIs. For instance, Swift 4 requires developers to use redesigned APIs for strings, dictionary, set, archival and serialization. Also, it enables developers to create multi-string literals using simple syntax. Swift 4 further introduces a new codable protocol that makes it easier for programmers to serialize and deserialize custom data types while writing complex code.

At the same time, Xcode 9 adds a number of new functionalities to the latest version of Swift. The new language features and improved APIs will persuade many developers to migrate their apps from Swift 3 to Swift 4. Apple keeps the Swift 3 to Swift 4 migration process simple and fast. Also, it allows developers to migrate their apps to Swift 4 smoothly by taking advantage of the migration tool provided by Xcode 9. But the developers still need to keep in mind some important factors when they migrate to Swift 4.

Important Factors a Developer Must Know to Migrate to Swift 4 Smoothly

Know the New Features and SDK Changes

When a developer decides to migrate to swift 4, it becomes essential for him to know the new language features and SDK changes. For instance, he has to adopt major SDK changes like converting string constants into Swift enumeration cases and moving global constants into static type properties. Likewise, he needs to understand various aspects of new and improved APIs for strings, dictionary, set, archival and serialization.

Choose the Right Language Mode

Swift 4 is fully compatible with Swift 3. But Swift 4 compiler supports two language modes – Swift 3.2 and Sift 4.0. A developer can opt for Swift 4.0 mode to take advantage of all new language features and APIs provided by the latest version of the programming language after migrating to Swift 4. On the other hand, Swift 3.2 mode makes the compiler accept the existing source code of an app built with earlier version of the compiler. Also, it will not update the APIs used by the app to maintain source code compatibility. But the mode still allows developers to avail the features of Swift 4.

Understand the Migration Process

As noted earlier, Swift 4 compiler supports two distinct language modes. A developer can easily accelerate the migration process by building the existing project in Swift 3.2. If the app is written in earlier versions of Swift, the developer has to rebuild the project in Swift 3.2 successfully to keep the migration process smooth. However, there are always chances that a developer has to manage a number of changes and address a number of issues while migrating the project to Swift 3.2 from earlier versions of the programming language.

Manage the Project under Source Control

Apple recommends developers to manage the project under source control when migrating to Swift 4. The source control makes it easier for the developer to monitor and review the changes being implemented by the Swift Migration Assistant. Also, he has option to discard certain changes that are unnecessary or irrelevant for the specific project. When the project is managed under source control, it becomes easier for the developer to restart the migration process without putting extra time and effort.

Take Advantage of Swift Migration Assistant

Xcode 9 makes it easier for developers to migrate to Swift 4 by providing the Swift Migration Assistant. A developer can access the Swift Migration Assistant as an item under the Issue Navigation. After invoking the migration tool, the developer has option to choose from a list of targets. He must choose a target that contains Swift code to start the migration process. Also, he has to follow a single migration workflow to migrate to Swift 4 smoothly. However, he still needs to address a number of issues immediately to process the targets properly and continue the migration process.

Implement Mechanical Changes Manually

The Swift Migration Assistant makes it easier for developers to upgrade their apps to Swift 4. But the developer still needs to resolve a number of changes and issues manually after completion of the migration process. The developer can easily identify the error or issues by filing a bug report through the Swift Migration Assistant. He must implement the required mechanical changes manually to keep the app’s functionality and performance intact after migrating to the latest version of Swift. After implementing the mechanical changes and resolving migration issues, the developer can rebuild the app in Swift 4 successfully.

On the whole, an iOS app developer can migrate to Swift 4 to take advantage of several new language features and improved APIs.  But he must understand the migration process clearly to migrate to Swift 4 seamlessly. Also, he needs to use the migration tool to migrate the app to Swift 4 without putting extra time and effort.

Several studies show an increase in number of users who abandon mobile apps after one time use. The developers have to focus on the user experience delivered by their mobile apps to generate more revenue. They also need to focus on the quality of the mobile app to make it marketable. But it is also important for developers to keep in mind the emerging trends in mobile app development to keep their apps relevant over a longer period of time.

12 Trends that will have a Huge Impact on Mobile App Development

1) Virtual Reality and Augmented Reality Apps

Both Apple and Google are releasing new frameworks and tools to bring virtual reality (VR) and augmented reality (AR) Apps to their devices. While announcing iOS 11, Apple unveiled a new AR framework – ARKit – to accelerate AR app development. Many developers already use VR technologies to enhance the user experience delivered by their mobile apps by creating an artificial world. Google has already released Earth VR to accelerate VR app development for Android. More and more developers will launch new AR and VR apps to complement the latest mobile devices and platforms.

2) Chatbots

Many analysts believe that chatbots have the capability to make web applications and mobile apps obsolete in the long run. Many enterprises already use custom chatbots to facilitate prompt customer interaction without deploying additional customer service professionals. Chatbots will soon enable users to perform multiple tasks – booking a hotel, purchasing grocery and buying movie tickets – without using various mobile apps. The developers must take advantage of latest artificial intelligence (AI) technologies to create chatbots, and explore ways to integrate them into mobile apps seamlessly.

3) Android First

Many analysts forecast the worldwide market share of Google will rise to 90% by 2018. But iOS App Store brings much more revenue that Google Play Store. But many analysts believe that Google Play Store will soon surpass Apple App Store in terms of revenue. Hence, most developers will build apps for Android platform to reach out to more users and generate more revenue. Google has been enhancing security and reducing device fragmentation to persuade developers to make their apps available at its Play Store before App Store. The mobile app development strategy of many enterprises will soon target Android instead of iOS.

4) Wearable Device Integration

The worldwide wearables market has been growing rapidly and consistently. The increase in worldwide wearable devices sales will persuade many developers to build apps for various wearable devices. Also, the developers have to enable users to access the same app on both mobile and wearable devices. While creating new mobile apps, they need to focus on wearable device integration. Many developers will upgrade their existing mobile apps to make them accessible on wearable devices.

5) Mobile App Integration

A single chatbot enables users to perform a number of tasks. The growing popularity of chatbots persuades many enterprises to integrate their mobile apps. Recently, Uber integrated its navigation and messaging apps to help users to avoid installing additional apps and adding extra icons to their mobile screens. More and more enterprises will unify their apps seamlessly to enhance customer experience. Also, the machine to machine communication facilitated by Internet of Things (IoT) will compel enterprises to integrate their apps with various connected devices.

6) Mobile Internet of Things

The smart machine to machine communication facilitated by IoT has the potential to transform each industry. At present, IoT technologies are used by a variety of solutions – smart homes, connected cars, smart healthcare systems and smart transportation systems. More and more users will soon need mobile apps to operate and control these smart devices and solutions efficiently. Also, the growing usage of connected devices and IoT solutions will lead to new security attacks and security breaches. The developers have to perform elaborate security and penetration testing to make their apps popular in the IoT age.

7) Keeping Storage Space Free for New Downloads

The latest versions of iOS and Android enable users to identify the memory and space used by individual apps. IOS 11 will even allow users to identify the rarely-used apps and offload them automatically. The users can easily identify and uninstall the rarely-used apps to create more space for new downloads. Hence, the developers have to explore ways to keep their apps lightweight to prevent installation. Many developers will develop both conventional and instant Android apps to prevent user abandonment.

8) Interactive Push Notification

Major mobile platforms nowadays allow users to check and respond to notifications without opening the specific apps or unlocking their devices. Hence, man modern users hate mobile apps that do not show notifications on the lock screen. While developing a new mobile app, developers have to use interactive push notifications to convey information without instaneously. The interactive push notifications will help users to save both time and battery life. At the same time, the interactive push notifications will also improve the app’s user engagement and experience.

9) Location Based Services

Most modern users love mobile apps that provide contextual recommendations and suggestions according to their current location. The location-based services help developers to create mobile apps that deliver localized and contextual information to users. Many enterprises even use the location based services to seduce customers by providing real-time deals based on their current location. The developers have to integrate location based services into their mobile apps to keep the users engaged monetize the apps efficiently.

10) Direct Cloud Interaction

Several studies show a steady increase in the mobile cloud traffic. The mobile data traffic is expected to be driven mostly by cloud-based apps in near future. Many users nowadays opt for cloud-based mobile apps to overcome storage space constraints. The cloud services will help developers to create a variety of apps that work seamlessly on both mobile and connected devices. Many enterprises will build, test, and deploy mobile apps in the cloud to avoid creating and maintaining physical infrastructure.

11) Mobile Payment Integration

A number of studies show mobile commerce growth outpacing desktop ecommerce growth. Also, most users nowadays access ecommerce websites on their mobile devices. Hence, the users love mobile app that process payments in a simple, fast, and secure way. The developers can use integrated payment technology to secure and accelerate payment processing. However, they also need to ensure that the users have option to make payment using Apple Pay, Google Wallet, Samsung Pay and Microsoft Wallet, along with debit and credit cards.

12) Modern Programming Languages

The mobile app developers are no longer required to write Android apps in Java and iOS apps in Objective-C. Apple recommends developers to write iOS apps in a modern, intuitive, and open source programming language like Swift. Likewise, the Android team recently extended first class support to a new programming language – Kotlin. Android Studio 3.0 will enable developers to write Android apps in Kotlin, while availing all development tools. Many developers even use Xamarin to write iOS and Android apps in C# that deliver native performance and user experience. Hence, the developers will soon write both native and cross-platform mobile apps in modern programming languages.

Each new version of Android and iOS come with an array of new features and enhancements. The new features provided by major mobile operating system create new trends and transform mobile app development. The developers must keep track of the emerging trends in mobile app development to meet the changing needs, preferences, and expectations of users.

At present, Android has a much larger worldwide market share than iOS. But Apple App Store earns 75% more revenue than Google Play Store. That is why; most developers make their mobile apps on iOS platform before Android platform to generate more revenue. The mobile app developers still need to explore ways to make the iOS apps searchable and discoverable to accomplish higher downloads and earn more revenue.

Apple recently redesigned its App Store to make it easier for users to find apps and games. The users can use the today tab, apps and games tab, and search tab to find the right iOS apps quickly according to their precise needs. Also, each developer can make his iOS app discoverable in a number of ways – choosing the most appropriate keywords, asking users to review the app, responding to the user feedback, and prioritizing screenshots.

At the same time, the mobile app developer can also make his app discoverable using several app discovery platforms. He also has option to choose from several app discovery platforms. Each app discovery platform comes with features to help developers to drive more traffic to the iOS app page. Also, the developer can use certain app discovery platforms to promote the app by targeting specific audience. Hence, a developer must use the right app discovery platform to make his iOS app discoverable and profitable over a longer period of time.

5 Reasons Why iOS App Developers Must Use App Discovery Platforms

1) Make the App Discounted for a Short Timeframe

Unlike Android devices, iPhones and iPads are often regarded as the rich man’s phone. But people using iOS devices also explore ways to download apps without incurring additional expenses. There are a number of app discovery platforms that help developers to accomplish higher downloads by selling apps at discounted prices. Some platforms even allow developers to make their iOS app free for a day.

2) Target Specific Audience

A developer can even use certain app discovery platform to promote the iOS app by targeting specific users. For instance, an iOS app developer can use TheiPhoneMom.com to promote the apps by targeting parents of toddlers, children, and adolescents. The platform helps developers to promote educational and entertainment apps for kids. But the developer can easily increase downloads by making the iOS app feature on the app list, great free apps, or weekly special.

3) Organize and Group Reviews

Most app discovery platforms enable users to browse through iOS app based on specific categories like games, books, business, finance, family, music and puzzle. Some platforms even make it easier for users to pick the right iOS app by organizing the user reviews. Most users nowadays read the reviews and ratings posted by existing users to decide about downloading a particular app. These platforms help developers to accomplish more downloads by organizing the user reviews and grouping similar reviews into categories.

4) Persuade Users to Review the iOS App

Often developers find it daunting to persuade users to review a newly launched iOS app and share their feedback. But the developers must explore ways to accumulate user reviews to accomplish more downloads within a short amount of time. There are certain app discovery platforms that help developers to get their iOS apps reviewed by more users. These platforms normally request visitors to review a mobile app without disclosing its price. They even persuade users to download the app by offering attractive discounts and daily deals.

5) Evaluate an iOS App before Its Launch

Many developers explore ways to get their iOS apps reviewed and assessed by real users before commercial launch. The user review and feedback further helps developers to launch an app that delivers richer user experience. There are a number of app discovery platforms that help developers to avail pre-launch exposure. The developers can even avail the commercial services provided by such platforms to accomplish higher downloads by promoting the app aggressively after its commercial launch.

Each iOS app developers have option to choose from several app discovery platforms. Some of these app discovery platforms support multiple mobile operating systems, whereas others support only iOS. Also, the app discovery platforms differ from each other in terms of features, usability, and performance. That is why; it becomes essential for the mobile app developers to pick the right app discovery platform to make their app discoverable over a longer period of time.


As highlighted by several studies, modern users spend more time on mobile devices than desktop and laptop computers. A large percentage of modern users even access websites and web applications on their smartphones and tablets. They even expect the websites to look, feel and function just like mobile apps. Hence, it becomes essential for enterprises to keep users engaged by optimizing their websites and web applications for varying mobile devices. You must focus on the accessibility, functionality, performance, usability, and user experience of its website to make it deliver optimal mobile experience. Also, you need to explore ways to make the website deliver optimal user experience across many mobile devices and platforms.

10 Tricks to Optimize Your Web Applications for Mobile Devices

1) Switch to Responsive Web Design

Responsive web design makes the website look good and deliver richer user experience on a variety of devices. The web developers can further use the same code base to optimize the website for various mobile devices and platforms. The single code base makes it easier for developers to add new functionality to the website or deliver updated content without putting extra effort. They can further use a number of responsive technology frameworks to optimize the website for computers, smartphones, tablets and phablets at once.

2) Focus on the Website’s Navigability

To keep the user engaged, you need to ensure that the website is navigable on a variety of mobile devices. The users must be able to navigate the website completely with a single hand. Also, they must be able to read the website content on smaller screens without any hassle. You also need to make sure that buttons, tap elements, menu navigation and other elements of the website are optimized for touch screens.

3)  Keep the Design Clean and Simple

Most users nowadays avoid websites that look complex or cluttered. So you need to ensure that the website keeps the mobile device users engaged, and convey the desired message within a few seconds. While optimizing the website for mobile devices, you must opt for a design that is both simple and clean. At the same time, you need to optimize graphics, videos and copy for mobile devices to make the website work seamlessly on devices with smaller screens.

4)  Keep the Website Content Concise and Catchy

The website content also needs to be optimized by keeping in mind the choices of mobile device users. The smaller screen sizes of mobile devices often make it difficult for users to read lengthy and unstructured website content. Also, most users keep scrolling the page while reading the content. That is why; you need to make the website content clean. But it is also important to keep the content catchy enough to keep the users interested and engaged.

5) Include Mobile Icons

A number of studies have highlighted that many modern people prefer mobile apps to mobile websites. Many users even expect the website to function like a mobile app, while taking advantage of the native features of the underlying devices. So you have to explore ways to make the website look and feel like a mobile app on various devices. You can always make the website look like an app by conveying instructions or information to users through commonly used mobile icons and symbols. For instance, you can always use commonly used mobile icons to replace phrases like share on social networks, tap to call, and find the menu.

6) Optimize Website’s Loading Speed

The loading speed and performance of a website will directly impact its popularity among smartphone users. Many users still access mobile websites on slower internet connections like 2G and 3G. So you need to ensure that the user can access the website on their mobile devices with a variety on networks and internet connections. You can easily boost the loading speed of the mobile website by cropping, resizing and optimizing images for mobile devices. Likewise, media queries will help you to strip down the high resolution images used by the desktop version of the website.

7) Optimize Forms for Mobile Devices

You can easily receive user information and input by including a number of forms in the mobile website. But you must not forget to optimize the forms for mobile devices. The mobile version of the forms must ask the users to submit minimal but key information. You need to explore ways to reduce the number and size of fields in each form. For instance, you can take advantage of the GPS to remove zip, city, state and similar fields from a registration form.

8) Use HTML5 Videos

You can always embed short videos in the mobile websites to keep the users engaged, and convey the desired message more effectively. But the video clips often impact the speed and performance of a mobile website. So you must consider using HTML5 videos to enable users to access the videos without installing any additional extension or plug-ins. HTML5 further make the videos look good on a variety of mobile devices, without affecting the overall speed of the website.

9) Avoid Using Pop-up Windows

Often common features included in the desktop version of the website affect the user experience of its mobile-version adversely. For instance, desktop websites commonly used popup windows to convey attractive offers to users or make them submit specific information. But the popup windows will affect the user experience of a mobile website directly and adversely. So you must avoid using popup windows while optimizing the website for mobile devices.

10) Consider Delivering Personalized User Experience

You can always make the website behave like a mobile app by delivering personalized user experience. The website can easily deliver personalized user experience by taking advantage of native features of the mobile devices like GPS. You can always avail the geolocation feature of the mobile device to help the users find nearby stores, avail relevant offers, and make payment in the most appropriate currency. You can even use the features to enable users to stay connected with the most relevant social community.

While optimizing your website for mobile devices, you must not forget to test is thoroughly and repeatedly. You must deploy seasoned testers and invest in robust mobile app testing tools to assess the application’s accessibility, functionality, performance, usability, and user experience across multiple mobile platforms and devices. The test results will help you to assess the mobile user experience delivered by the website. Also, you can optimize the application for mobile devices more effectively based on the testing results.

As highlighted by several studies, modern people spend more than 50% of their digital media time on mobile apps. You must develop a mobile app for your business to interact with customers and prospects more effectively. But many users nowadays abandon or uninstall mobile apps after one time use. Your mobile app must deliver optimal user experience to keep the customers engaged and increase conversion rate.

You have to focus on the accessibility, functionality, performance, usability, and security of the mobile app to enhance its user experience. Also, the quality of the mobile app will be impacted by your choice of mobile app development company. You must evaluate the knowledge, skill, and expertise of the mobile app development company by asking many questions. However, you must ask some important questions to pick the best mobile app development company for your project.

8 Questions You Must Ask to Select the Right Mobile App Development Company

1) Where can I find information about the mobile apps developed by you?

You can always accelerate mobile app development and testing by hiring a company that has already developed mobile apps for various clients. The apps developed by the company will help you to evaluate its skill level, experience, and expertise. The reputable mobile app development companies will share links to the mobile apps developed by them with confidence. On the other hand, a new mobile app development company will hesitate to share links to the apps developed by it for other clients.

2) Can you share details of your past and current clients?

You can further evaluate the skill level and expertise of the mobile app development company more precisely based on the information collected from its clients. You must ask the company to share details of its past and current clients. You must contact the clients and gather the information required to evaluate the mobile app development company. The information will help you to assess the professionalism and reliability of the developer.

3) Do you have adequate industry exposure to understand my business requirements?

The mobile app development company must be familiar with your business and customers to build custom apps according to your precise business requirements. You must check if the company has developed custom mobile apps for clients from your sector. Also, you must ask specific questions to ensure that the company has the capability to develop mobile apps with specific functionality and based on precise business requirements.

4) What is your primary focus area?

You cannot make the mobile app popular simply by focusing on its features and functionality. It is always important to focus on the user interface (UI) and user experience (UX) of the app to keep the users engaged and convert them into customers. You need to check if the developer focuses on both UI and UX while developing the mobile app. You can always consider hiring a developer whose primary focus area is UI and UX.

5) How will you embed app monetization feature into the app?

The mobile app will help you to interact with customers and prospects more efficiently. But you can still consider including app monetization features in the app to make it profitable. Based on your strategy, you have option to choose from an array of app monetization features – in-app purchases, in-app advertisement, subscription, sponsorship, and freemium. Each app monetization feature will help you to generate revenue while making the mobile app free. But the developer has to integrate individual app monetization methods through varying processes. Hence, you need to check if the mobile app development company has expertise in including varying app monetization features in mobile apps.

6) Will you test the mobile app under varying user conditions?

The popularity and credibility of your mobile app will be affected if users detect bugs and performance issues. Hence, you need to select a mobile app development company that tests the app elaborately. The company must test the app across varying devices, platforms, and networks. Likewise, it also needs to test the mobile app under real user conditions to produce more reliable test results. Hence, you need to check how the company plans to test your mobile app under varying user conditions.

7) Will you help me to distribute and maintain the mobile app?

You must remember that app store submission process can be both complex and time-taking. Hence, you will need the assistance of the mobile app development company to submit the app to specific app store without any hassle. Likewise, you will also need to services of the mobile app development company to maintain and update the mobile app over a period of time. You must check if the company will help you to submit the app to app store and maintain it over a period of time. However, some mobile app development companies charge extra fees to distribute and maintain the mobile app for clients.

8) How shall we communicate during the development process?

You can communicate with the mobile app development company through emails, voice chats, or phone calls. But it is always important to check how you will communicate with the company during development process. You can even consider hiring a mobile app development company that delivers the software in iterations, and requires you to stay involved throughout the software development lifecycle. You can even check if the company is allowing you to track the development process through specialized project management tools. However, you must clearly understand how to communicate with the company during the development process.

You have option to choose from several mobile app development companies. Hence, you must all relevant information about each company to build a high quality mobile app. It is also important to ask specific questions to ensure that the ownership of the mobile app remains exclusively with your business. You further need to copyright the app adequately to ensure that no other app uses its features and functionalities. Likewise, you must determine the mobile app development cost precisely based on the fees and payment terms shared by the mobile app development company.

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