Most viewed websites on the internet during the lockdown

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most viewed websites

Due to COVID-19 people are stuck with home & online engagement increased for the past 2 years. When people have no option to visit outside they are browsing websites to learn or to entertain. Here we have listed the most viewed & popular websites on the internet during the lockdown.

  1. Youtube: Entertainment & Learning Website. It should come as no surprise that is the most visited site in the world. While intelligent people are engaged with learning & information videos, others’ are enjoying funny videos, memes, roasted, expose and prank videos. YouTube got 8.564 billion visitors monthly. More than thousands of YouTubers come on to charge and placed new videos daily. Many as inspired and join as YouTubers during the lockdown.
  1. Wikipedia: As we know WIKI is one of the sources of information on the World Wide Web, wiki got 223 billion visitors monthly. The vast majority of Wikipedia’s traffic comes from Google organic search. The site is frequently the first, second, or third hit on Google search results for popular topics ranging from people and places to events and more. Many still shy away from calling it 100 percent reliable, but it’s clear that people trust and like Wikipedia. As the site grows in popularity, its credibility will only grow as well.
  1. Facebook: People are engaging themselves with social media posts to communicate with family, colleagues & friends. During the lockdown, facebook got the number of traffic on its website. According to a report, Facebook reaches 16,474,012 unique users each day.
  1. Instagram: After reels introduced by Instagram, users are from TikTok and other musically subscribers (mostly young age people) are using Insta on a regular basis. They are spending lots of time covering lockdown from the home. It reaches 3,934,598 unique users each day.
  1. Twitter: Twitter is a giant social media platform and it has created its own place on the internet. Twitter, is the fourth most famous site in the world and the third most viewed site in the United States. The site has reached 2,467,234 unique users each day.
  1. Reddit: Reddit is a website that is essentially a forum for internet users to discuss anything in their minds. To give you a thought of how extensive Reddit is as a website, It reaches 12,008,507 unique users each day that generates 53,332,674 daily page views & 1.7 billion comments.
  1. Pinterest: One of the most popular websites in the world and more than 200 billion pins are created daily in the term of share & like. Pinterest reaches 1,324,262 unique users each day that generates 7,491,421 daily page views.
  1. Amazon: While people don’t go outside they fulfill their requirements from online shopping sites. Amazon is one of the top listed shopping websites that got a huge amount of traffic dusting lockdown. A report said Amazon reaches 8,998,927 unique users each day.
  1. Netflix: During lockdown people enjoying streaming videos. As Netflix started web series users are increased drastically. Netflix earn 15,369,486 unique users each day.
  1. MSN: According to the site growth report MSN reaches 6,240,683 unique users each day that generates 17,568,644 daily page views. MSN is one of the top fifteen most visited websites in the world.

The rest below are the lists of most common websites viewed in lockdown

  1. Conference Site: Due to lockdown all countries are sealed. Academic people are not able to attain conferences & publish their papers. So they join Webinars to communicate and collaborate with scientists, research scholars, and industry leaders.
  1. News websites: Nytimes, CNN & many more
  1. Music Sites: Spotify, Gaana & Others
  1. Public forum: Quora, Stack Overflow & others

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